Science, like art, is a huge field for self—expression, in a sense, a lifestyle. Today, the image of a girl scientist is certainly attractive: such girls are erudite, travel a lot to world conferences, have experience of communicating with a variety of people, are not afraid to discover something new.
“STEM education gives freedom of thought, and having inner freedom is certainly fashionable,” admits Karolina.
“Technology is modern, unusual, it’s always something new, and as a result, it’s interesting to many people, which means it’s fashionable. If you look a little deeper, it becomes clear that there is always science behind new technologies. Therefore, yes, science is also fashionable, and places like Skoltech contribute to making it fashionable to do science. When the place where you study is cool, then, of course, you, spending almost all your time in it while you study, feel accordingly,” Anastasia reflects.
Tatiana sums it up very well: “What is really “fashionable” is to do what you love. It is important to try, experiment and choose!”